Beauty is what is sacred in art.
S. Angelo at Celle – Perugia
I have known Massimo Clara and Lauretana Arte for many years. As a client I’ve always been very happy with his work and over time we’ve become friends! We’ve worked together on a number of art projects and furniture contacts, involving the main church as well as other chapels scattered throughout the parish. I’ll certainly turn to Lauretana Arte as to a totally reliable company for any jobs that may arise within my parish.
S. Maria Assunta Pianoro – Bologna
When I first met Lauretana Arte (through Massimo Clara), their capability inspired me through the beauty of their creations. In their professionalism I could sense the passion and the ability that they poured into their work. Beauty has always a broader scope, as it only lives as far as it’s in harmony with what’s around it. That beauty, then, lives in a constant dialogue between the requests, that can, at times, be daunting, especially when they come from priests! and the means and tools to accomplish them. I’d like to thank Massimo and Lauretana Arte for their commitment in promoting…
San Giuseppe Lavoratore – Gualdo Tadino
"Baptism is the best gift we’ve received: it marks our belonging to God and gives us the joy of salvation". With these words Pope Francis defined the richness of this fundamental sacred episode for the life of every faithful. "As soon as he was baptized, Jesus came out of the water: the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. And a voice from heaven said: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." This passage from the Evangelist Matthew relating to Christ’s Baptism remains fundamental for the…
Capuchin church – Pesaro
In 2003 while I was at the Capuchin convent in Pesaro, I had the idea of commissioning new stained glass windows for the facade and in the lateral windows of the church. I turned to Massimo Clara and his firm Lauretana Arte and together we worked on a cycle of windows inspired by the “song of creatures”. Lauretana Arte has designed the sketches and executed the windows. I appreciated their competence throughout the work and was completely satisfied by the perfect execution. I’d strongly recommend Lauretana Arte!
Interview for the presentation of the works in the church of San Filippo Neri in Fossombrone (Pesaro) on May 27th 2020
Interview for the presentation of the works in the church of San Filippo Neri in Fossombrone (Pesaro) on May 27th 2020